Are you are one of the few individuals reluctant to pay your bills online because you fear the unknown of the Internet? Despite popular belief, online billing can actually be significantly more secure than mailing in a check with your personal information on it each month. At the Misner Agency, we encourage you to pay your bill online for a variety of reasons, including:
- Paying your bills online is simple and quick! Rather than having to sit down, see which bills are due, write out the check, lick the envelope, file the check receipt, and mail the check, you can simply login to your account and pay your bills with the simple click of a button. At the Misner Agency, paying your bill is as simple as clicking here.
- Once you sign up for online billing, you will be able to avoid unnecessary expenses such as late charges and postage stamps. When you do not have to worry about missing payments, you eliminate worries of higher interest rates and late fees.
- Your green efforts significantly benefit our beautiful planet! Since you will not be wasting your own money on checks, stamps, and envelopes by paying online, no mail carrier will have to use fuel to pick up your letter and deliver it.
- One of the greatest perks of moving to online billing occurs when you no longer get confused about which bills you have already paid and which are past due. Your account will track when each payment was received and how much you still owe. Convenience and organization at its finest!
Have you gone green with us and signed up for online billing? Contact the Misner Agency for all of your insurance needs. We will go above and beyond to protect every realm of your life.